To a Journey Filled with Red Wine Skies

This is not a blog solely about wine. It’s also the ongoing story of one girl’s journey navigating her path within the world of wine. Jesus, opening line and I’m already alienating the greater good by speaking in the third person… RESET. The reason I started studying wine was because I love to drink it. And it makes sense to know what I am drinking, considering I spend an inordinate amount of time doing just that. I also longed to judge a bottle, not based entirely on its label design (cursive text, sepia colours…and from Bordeaux?… must be a winner), nor from the fact that it was the second ‘least expensive’ on the menu (concrete proof that I was not cheap).

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, my attraction to wine grew wild alongside my passion for food. The word ‘obsessed’ is overused these days, but sadly that is the sick category into which I fall. I adore food throughout its cycle… Provenance, selection, cooking, to the ultimate joy of consumption, best served with a friend by your side. And the only thing which makes a meal even more glorious, is when it’s paired with an almighty wine. Hence my trepidatious steps into oenology.

So here I am preparing for WSET Level 3- baby steps I know, trying to decipher whether that’s red or black current I can smell. If the fruit is jammy rather than stewed. Wondering if I’m the only one struggling to ascertain that faint nose of hay in the Chardonnay. Which is why I decided to write. Not only to dilute the burden of overwhelmingly stupidity I often feel when struggling to appraise a wine, but also to provide a platform for other enthusiasts to voyeur and covet great wines and food. And maybe a haven to hide when it all gets a bit too much.

Randomly, when I first started to study, there was a curious occurrence which kept repeating. If I was out amongst certain restaurateurs (or industry sorts), without fail there would be at least one, who would make a notable point to me of ‘not getting ahead of myself’. Apparently there are some people (and I’m not referring to sommeliers) who hold a vast knowledge of wine… seemingly greater than any novice could ever hope to attain. I noticed this wisdom was typically dealt by a certain set of pale, older men, who couldn’t help but offer their critique on my cautious steps into what they considered ‘their world’.  Which leads me to the crux of this opening blog… YOU DON’T OWN WINE, FUCKERS. 

So instead of introducing my calloused hand to their wobbling cheek- where stinging pain and gasping indignation meet- I thought best to write. There are millions of people out there, just like me, who love to drink wine and are slowly learning more. No one should be shamed in embarrassed by old establishment wine snobs, just because they are starting out, or worse still- for their gender, race or social standing. Wine is drunk at all price points by all walks of life, it’s world is accessible to everyone.  Basically, the grape does not discriminate, so nor should we. Ah hem. Anyway, I think you get my point.

It’s a long stretch getting to grips with the world of wine.  Awkward tastings, mistaken grapes and excruciating school boy errors are expected, but it all tastes a lot more palatable when sharing the adventure with allied folk. Plus engaging in mandatory research along the way. So, to fellow novices, professionals and mere lovers of food… Salud my friends, to a journey filled with red wine skies.

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