The Real Wine Fair

  The month of May is looking like a wine glutton’s dream. Later in the month is the London Wine Fair, but to get us more than warmed up, is The Real Wine Fair. The standout difference being that the latter is dedicated to artisan […]

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London Wine Fair 2019

    If wine is your compass, there’s one date you mustn’t miss, The London Wine Fair at Olympia 20-22 May 2019. Featuring over 14,000 wines from 32 countries, innovative tastings and critical masterclasses, it’s a superb platform showcasing outstanding wine from around the world. […]

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Hungry Somm is pretty much that… I’m a trained wine professional, deeply (manically) obsessed with food. Of equal importance, is my desire to share wine knowledge without the pomp and pageantry. So many of us drink wine. We revel in how it makes us feel… free. We relish the way it complements a meal… and elevates the eating experience to another level. With a glass of wine, we drink and live with abandon.

But for everyday drinkers, it’s often hard to contend with complicated lists and the archaic snobbery of certain establishments. And that is where I hope to meet you. To help you understand your palate, by discussing wine in an easily digestible manner. To give you confidence in knowing what you like to drink and how to ask for it. I want to help you feel comfortable around wine, without the bullshit.

Cause whether it be Michelin-starred fare or a dirty burger, everything tastes better with a cheeky drink. To be honest, greedy bellies and empty glasses rarely discriminate.

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